361 Day Recovery Period
$20.00 – $100.00“I’d like to request a four day work schedule. I need the other 361 days to recover from this place.”
Showing 1–20 of 68 results
“I’d like to request a four day work schedule. I need the other 361 days to recover from this place.”
A job applicant is interviewing and gets mixed up about the difference between letters and numbers.
A cartoon featuring a man sitting at his office desk lamenting to a coworker, “I used to worry about artificial intelligence taking my job, but then I realized there’s nothing intelligent about what I do…”
Auditioner Auditions
A man has an affair with a robot at his job.
Oh, hey, Rhonda, whatcha doin’?
Learning how to speak your language.
Let’s see here … fifteen guys in the hospital … you gave seventeen black eyes, twelve fat lips, five broken bones, thirty-two concussions, and ten bloody noses … impressive, Mr. Simmons, impressive.
Preprinted beggar signs. Â Will work for food, No job, God bless, Please give, Hungry, Help, Homeless, Spare change, Disabled
Bubba gets Carpal Funnel Syndrome.
A few years later David is diagnosed with Car Pool Tunnel Syndrome.
“It says here on your resume that you can type 472 words per minute but it’s all accidental gibberish.”
The boss just chewed me up and spit me out…
After the circus went under we decided to go into business for ourselves.
Construction workers build using glue.
Crystal ball manufacturing worker is stuck in crummy job.
Cue-card holder auditions
In our top story tonight, the cue-card holders union will remain on strike …
News Center
In our top story tonight, the cue-card holders union will remain on strike…
Whoa!!! I’ve got a really weird feeling I’ve worked at this crappy job before!
Vincent has a sudden bout of Dayjob Vu.
Mr. Bennett, I’m calling regarding the job you applied for with us. It turns out a desk job just opened up! so when can you start?