
$20.00 – $100.00
Man at a change machine is staring inquisitively at a caveman holding a live chicken in front of a barter machine.


$20.00 – $100.00
<GROAN NNN> Who let these morons in? Uggh! Fire! Fire!

$20.00 – $100.00
Grog parks his wheel on the rough side of town.

$20.00 – $100.00
As Seen On Cave Walls. The Sabertooth Slicer! Promotional slogans before T.V.



$20.00 – $100.00
Cavemen bashing each other over the head with large rocks. Caption: Prehistoric pillow fights.

$20.00 – $100.00
Caveman throwing life preserver-shaped stones on top of drowned cavemen in water. Caption: Stone age life preservers.

$20.00 – $100.00
Come, we live here now. Ancestors of the tidy-bowl man.

$20.00 – $100.00
Oh yeah, this baby roll great! Used wheel salesmen.